Wednesday, 2 December 2009


Here there are some extra exercises to review the present continuous.
You can do all the exercises from the elementary column . Clic here to start
Bring the teacher a sample of the exercises you've done.

Monday, 30 November 2009

PAST SIMPLE: Irregular verbs

Improve your English grammar
How can I study Irregular verbs?
Here there are some exercises

PAST SIMPLE - To be (was-were)

Can I do more practice? of course. Let's try here


Use the past simple to talk about activities or routines which take place at a specified time in the past. Notice that all subjects take the same conjugation of the verb.
Regular verbs end in '-ed'.

visit - visited
enjoy - enjoyed

Irregular verbs have various forms and each verb needs to be learned.

see - saw
think - thought

The past simple is used to express a finished past action which occurs at a specific moment in the past.


She visited Iran last month.
They didn't go to Tom's party last weekend.
Where did you go on vacation last summer?

The following time signifiers often indicate a specific point in time.

in ... (plus a year or month)
when ... (plus a phrase)


They had lunch at home last week.
He left the company many years ago.
Susan bought a new car in May.
He telephoned his friend in Rome yesterday.
I played golf when I was a teenager.

Positive Form

Subject + past form of verb + object(s) + time


They flew to Chicago last month.
Peter completed his course three weeks ago.

Negative Form

Subject + did + not + base form of verb + object(s) + (time)


They didn't expect to see you at Christmas.
She didn't understand the question.

Question Form

(Wh?) + did + subject + base form of verb + (object(s))+ (time)?


Where did you study French?
When did you arrive last week?

PAST SIMPLE-Regular verbs exercises

Clic here and practice a little bit. Check your own answers