Friday, 8 April 2011


What to do, step by step
·        Choose a classmate to work
·        Think and choose your favourite English, American or Australian singer or group.
·        Choose one of the most understandable and representative song.
Then start working:
1.  Items to look for information:
SINGER: Biography, photos, albums or cd’s
SONGS: lyric, music, video.
2.   Work to do:
·        Compose a brief biography (100 words)
·        Do the lyric work (fill in the blank, choose the words, write the sentences in the correct order, match,…)
·        Prepare a Power Point (4-6 pages)
·        Prepare the oral exhibition (speech).
           Biography, song
·        Final performing 15 minutes
3.   Where to do it:
·        Two sessions in the half group to prepare and at home.
·        You will do it in your net book and you’ll send it to :  before 3rd May
4.   When will you do the oral exhibition?
·        The teacher will give you the calendar to perform. We’ll start on 5th-6th May.
5.    Evaluation:
·        Content, structure, pronunciation, group work, material done